Thursday 4 February 2010

Some crazy sh*t going down in my 'hood.

Wowzer! So I was walking down to the supermarket to buy some lemons (I've got a cold and a sore froat) and I noticed about ten cop cars and an ambulance outside this block of flats. All the cops were looking up at one of the flats. One of the cops had a gun as big as my leg!! He was pointing it at the flat. Crazy.

Here are some photos:
When I wandered back home half an hour later it was still all go. I saw some camera people there. It might even be on the news!! Man, I wish I'd gotten an interview. I would have put on a broad kiwi accent. I've been imagining what I would have said:

"Oh em gee. I was just walking down to Woolworths to buy some lemons. I am amazed to see something like this happening down the road. I mean, Johnsonville's so mind-numbingly boring. Nothing ever happens here. I think it's great for the community." - Francis Lander, local poet.

Here's a link to the article on Stuff.

1 comment:

Nick Martelli said...

Should have just stolen some of Nana's lemons.