Thursday 20 January 2011

Clone Storage Facility.

Mercifully, I've been able to find storage space for my clones. It was just getting a bit crowded at home.
OMG, BTW, FYI, it took a while to decide what to title this blog entry. Here were some of the other contenders:
- The perfect office staff.
- Something for the ladies.
- Press photo for my new band: Anthony and the Anthonys.
Can you think of any others? I'd love to hear your suggestions.


Anthony said...

Lynda (from the office) suggests I could have called the blog entry 'The Village People'. aaaaahahaha, how we laughed!

Luci Mac said...

Man, Anthonys gone wild! You're truly digging on ye olde PS eh? The best I can come up with is "Does This Still Count as Solitary Confinement"? Which isn't the best. Really.