Wednesday 10 November 2010

Home Handy-Man

My right-hand wing mirror on my car has been broken for ages so I finally got around to buying a replacement and all that was left to do was to fit it. It looked like a job for Home Handy-Man.

Here's the shitty old mirror that was broken. I dunno how it broke. I came home from holiday a few months ago and it was broken. I'd even had it in the retracted position so that no cars would hit it off, which leads me to believe that it was something more sinister. Damned drunken students, I'll bet.

Here's a picture of the old mirror and the new mirror. The new mirror (second hand) even has a wee mirror attached to it, reminiscent of a baby koala attached to the parent koala.

Here's what the car looked like once i'd taken off the old mirror. Naked. Am I allowed to show this kind of nudity on the internet?

Finally, heres's the new mirror all screwed on and ready to go.

Home Handy-Man strikes again. Well, maybe not "again". How about just "Home Handy-Man strikes. Inaugurally."

And in this generation of obsessive recyclisation, I even found a use for the old mirror.

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